Rooted in the Blue bylanes
Every time we walk through these by lanes dotted with blue and brown houses our hearts fill up with inspiration and appreciation for this ancient city. We might have traveled very far from home but the city calls us every time we need to feel grounded.
It is Jodhpur, the blue city sometimes also called the suncity of India. The sun is harsh, the air is dry and the land is bare browns and beige. But the people of Jodhpur are something else... bursting with confidence and hospitality.
The clothes are vibrant and ancient art techniques are practiced and appreciated in every house. Walking these lanes you find many hidden treasures of un-parelled wonder & beauty.
It is this place that provides the world with its top quality vintage, leather, solid wood, industrial style, farmhouse style home decor and furniture.
Jodhpur, thanks for keeping us sane..